Category Archives: 2011


for Bass Clarinet and Double Bass

In this piece each instrumental line functions as a membrane that work against the other. They create a gap in between them by friction, collision and mimesis. The material translates from one instrument to the other becoming something different each turn. At times crystallizing in a homogeneous sound.

Written for Eduardo Spinelli & Gustavo Aiziczon (suono mobile)


for 8 double basses

Tear it down,
burn it down
To start over
from the ashes
Like a tree

The thirteenth sheet of the Tarot stands between the invisible and the visible world. The intermediate point. It represents the death of the old, the end of a cycle and the transition to the new. It means a change. It is halfway between the letters of fortune and destruction.

Premiered by the double basses from Colon Theatre Symphony Orchestra